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Continuous Audit

Historically, the audit processes are executed with a significant gap in time in reference to the occurrence of the event. As a consequence, the administration receives its feedback late and misses the opportunity to take advantage of this data.The objective of the Continuous Audit proposal is to produce information almost simultaneously with the materialization of an event to anticipate certain future scenarios.

Our objective is to carry out a technological implementation that allows validating a set of business rules and establishing a model for early warning communication with the stakeholders. For the success of this type of audits, the communication model must be refined since it must allow us to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness expected by the business.

Our experience in this type of audit allows us to optimize the risks and resources required for its implementation and ensures a broad scope of audit including Governance and Management models applied to the business reality and the context or industry of your organization.

To ensure the quality of our portfolio of services we have professionals with extensive professional experience, who, we guarantee, are an integral part of the consulting team.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does implementing such audits generate value?

The value of this type of audit begins in the rapid return on investment that it possesses. Similarly, there are businesses that due their nature, this type of audits are natural. Such is the case of the large financial services sector or production systems with very strict quality and calibration specifications.

What is the value of such audits to invest in?

The value can be seen from the perspective of measurement and the timeliness in which the information is received. If we remove the word audit, the value that this type of tools can extend to the entire organization.
